博士生导师——王学富 简介




安徽医科大学优秀教师 中国免疫学会青年工作委员会委员,中国生物医学工程学会免疫治疗工程分会青年委员。主持国家自然科学基金、安徽省自然科学基金等多项课题研究,发表SCI论文10余篇。临床药理学国家级教学团队和教育部黄大年式教师团队主要成员参编全国高等院校药学专业“十三五”规划实验教材。







1. 国家自然科学基金项目:孤儿受体GPR35通过代谢重编程调控巨噬细胞极化发挥抗药物性肝损伤作用,2021/01-2024/12

2. 国家自然科学基金项目:犬尿喹啉酸对NLRP3炎症小体活化及相关炎症疾病的调控作用与机制研究,2019/01-2022/12

3. 安徽省自然科学基金:IL-17A诱导CD8+T细胞功能耗竭促进肝癌发展的机制研究, 2017/7-2019/6

4. 安徽医科大学科研提升计划:2020/1-2022/12



1. Molecular Regulation of NK Cell Maturation. Bi J*Wang X*. Front Immunol. 2020 Aug 11;11:1945

2. Reduced Siglec-7 expression on NK cells predicts NK cell dysfunction in primary hepatocellular carcinoma. Tao L#, Wang S#, Yang L, Jiang L, Li J*, Wang X*. Clin. Exp. Immunol. 2020 Aug;201(2)

3. Cytotoxic immune cell-based immunotherapy for hepatocellular carcinoma. Li J#, Tao L, Wang X*. Hepatoma Res 2020;6:15.

4. IL-17 constrains natural killer cell activity by restraining IL-15-driven cell maturation via SOCS3. Wang X, Sun R, Hao X, Lian ZX, Wei H, Tian Z. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2019 Aug 27;116(35):17409-17418.

5.γδ T cells in liver diseases. Wang X*, Tian Z. Front Med. 2018 Jun;12(3):262-268. Review.

6. Interleukin-28B dampens airway inflammation through up-regulation of natural killer cell-derived IFN-γ. Yan B, Chen F, Xu L*, Wang Y, Wang X*. Sci Rep. 2017 Jun 15;7(1):3556.

7. HMGB1-TLR4-IL23-IL17A axis promotes paraquat-induced acute lung injury by mediating neutrophil infiltration in mice. Yan B, Chen F, Xu L*, Xing J, Wang X*.Sci Rep. 2017 Apr 4;7(1):597.

8. Regulatory T cells ameliorate acetaminophen-induced immune-mediated liver injury.  Wang X, Sun R, Chen Y, Lian ZX, Wei H, Tian Z*.Int Immunopharmacol. 2015 Apr;25(2):293-301.

9. High-mobility group box 1 (HMGB1)-Toll-like receptor (TLR)4-interleukin (IL)-23-IL-17A axis in drug-induced damage-associated lethal hepatitis: Interaction of γδ T cells with macrophages. Wang X, Sun R, Wei H, Tian Z*.Hepatology. 2013 Jan;57(1):373-84.

10.Characterization of human B cells in umbilical cord blood-transplanted NOD/SCID mice. Wang X, Qi Z, Wei H, Tian Z, Sun R*.Transpl Immunol. 2012 Mar;26(2-3):156-62.